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Masak Tv Team

Resep Es Pisang Kocok

It feels like dessert in liquid form, very refreshing!

Complete recipes for how to make Shake Banana Ice can be seen below.


2 plantains shaved ice

2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk

2 tablespoons of coco pandan syrup

Liquid coconut milk


50 ml instant coconut milk

200 ml water

1 lbr pandan leaves

1 pinch of salt


Roasted peanuts

How to Make:

1. Add coconut milk, water, Pandan leaves, and salt. Cook until boiling. Turn off the heat.

2. Prepare a serving glass. Add banana. Mash with a fork.

3. Arrange shaved ice on crushed bananas. Give sweetened condensed milk and coco pandan syrup.

4. Add coconut milk.

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