This spanish pastry dish can be found in front of almost every elementary school in Indonesia. While the color is usually brown, this time we're going to add twist to both it's color and taste by adding pandan and fill it with sweet and chilly banana cream. Caught your attention now, doesn't it? Let's just jump into the video!
The complete recipe on how to make Banana Cream-Filled Pandan Churros is on below.
150 ml of pandan & suji leaves water (from 30 leaves)
100 g of unsalted butter
150 g of all-purposes flour Salt
3 pcs of egg
Banana Cream ingredients:
250 ml whipped cream
2 pcs of ripe banana, mash it
1 tbsp of cornstarch mixture, dissolve it with water
100 g of powdered sugar
Sprinkle ingredients:
Cinnamon sugar
1. Mix all the banana cream ingredients in one pan, cook it on medium heat until it's boiled and thicken. Turn off the heat and let it cool down.
2. Ready a pan, boil the mixture of pandan & suji leaves water, salt, and unsalted butter to lukewarm. Then add all-purposes flour, mix it evenly. If the batter already thicken and the color is even, turn off the heat.
3. Cool the batter down, add eggs while stirring until it's spread evenly.
4. Put the batter in a piping bag with a star-shaped pipe inside.
5. Put the batter into hot oil, deep-fry until it's cooked. Lift and drain.
6. Poke a hole on the middle of the churros.
7. Fill the hole with banana cream.
8. Roll the churros into cinnamon sugar. Ready to be served.